Thursday, February 17, 2011

Orthodontist Patient Rewards Programs

Attention Orthodontists!

As an orthodontist, you know that there is nothing more important than getting your patients to follow the treatment plan. The good news is promotional tokens can assist you with a patient rewards program that will achieve greater levels of compliance with your treatment plan.

Patient Rewards Programs

You may already have a patient rewards program in place or be thinking of implementing one for the first time. How do you use these tokens in a rewards program?


Patients receive tokens at each visit and are rewarded for excellent compliance.

Examples of excellent compliance may be:

-Patient has no broken or loose appliances.

-Patient has been wearing rubber bands or headgear as instructed.

-Patient has clean teeth and healthy gums

-Patient arrives on time for appointment

-Patient excels in academics, sports or other community activities.

In addition, you can run other office promotions that allow the customer to earn tokens. Example: the winner of an office contest wins 100 smile tokens.

Some offices call their tokens "smile tokens". The smile tokens can be assigned various point values, like currency (red tokens are worth 5 points, yellow 10, green 15). Points can be redeemed for various prizes such as gift certificates, t-shirts with your logo, toys, movie tickets, ipods, smart phone apps, itunes gift cards, sports gear, etc.

It is no surprise to us when customers tell us the tokens themselves generate word of mouth referrals and more business! You will find over time that the return on your small investment for tokens is very high!

At PromoteSource, we are your source for wooden nickels and plastic tokens. Many orthodontic practices have come to us for several years for promotional tokens. But tokens are just one promotional product we offer. We can print your logo and slogan on just about any item you can think of. Some common promotional products for orthodontists are: custom printed tooth magnets, t-shirts, polo shirts, hats, pens, pencils, USB tooth drive, toothbrushes, tooth jar openers, note pads, note cubes, sticky notes, chip clips, calendars, coffee mugs, water bottles, reusable grocery bags. We are also experts in standard business printing for your practice, such as your billing envelopes.

Visit us on the web at for online ordering or call us at 888-406-7950 with any questions you may have.

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